Sunday, July 31, 2011

The art wall continued

Today our art wall grew again. As I did the kids foot and hand prints. Check it out!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


I have many prints in my range perfect for the home, but this is one of my absolutely favourites. There is a birdie for each member of your family so it can be personalised.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

busy, busy, busy

It's Saturday morning and when I think of all before me I hyperventilate a little :) I have Ballet (well Addie does) in a little over an hour, then a production meeting for a few hours, then I need to get some groceries... then a rest, before rising tomorrow for a 12 hour theatre day... then work again on monday,
In the midst of all this I've developed another ear infection. I'm treating it now thankfully because "oh my" ear infections are the worst kind of pain (along with tooth aches I think they are more painful than giving birth and I believe that honestly).
Anyway, I've been thinking of getting organised more... what do you do to stay organised?

Here are some resources:

Super organised Mummy
30 ways to get organised

On top of all that I am tackling a little project this weekend... A Children's art wall... I'll keep you posted :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Inspiration Tuesday

We all know Monday is difficult, but Tuesday for me this year has been hell. Last term it was 'seven on', which means I had a class every lesson. This term it is 6 on, but each double is at our other campus so I go down and back 3 times... yuck....

anyway to help me through this I've been looking at some design inspiration. I plan to tackle an art wall over the next few weeks in between rehearsals for the musical which is now only 15 days away.


What is inspiring you this Tuesday?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

This is what I'm saying

Words and ideas matter!! The power of words is immense. What you say and the way you say it can change someones day... someones life even! What words are you choosing today?


Just got back from an appointment to have our tax done. Hopeful of a reasonable return so we can 'catch up' around the house. Sadly a great amount will go on a new realm drain as when we flush the toilet late in the day it seems to get 'angry' :) (It bubbles)

Here are all the receipts before I typed them up...

What about you? Is Tax season a good time for you?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Baking with the girls

Today I got into the kitchen with my niece and my daughter. We made peanut butter choc chip cookies and red velvet cupcakes. Addie wanted me to tell her what to do so she could reply with Yes Chef!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A day at the Abbotsford Convent

I spent yesterday at the Abbotsford Convent. It's a delightful spot that reminds me of a little village anywhere but Melbourne. It's a sort walk from both Collingwood and Victoria Park Station and there's a divine Bakery, Lentil as anything and a little Japanese food place. Apparently it's close to a petting zoo too and the actual convent hosts many wellness activities.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Today I am feeling...

Frustrated!!! I keep reading amazing, delightful blogs about bliss and perfection and I would love to live up to that. But I don't.
School holidays remind me how flawed I am as a mother. They remind me that my house is not the way I would love it to be but I don't have the money to fix it. They remind me how limited my home town is for choice when it comes for kids activities, places to shop for AFFORDABLE pretty things and theatrical experiences.
So today I am feeling miserable.
Yes, I love my life.
I love my children and my husband incredibly, but today is one of those days that I am suffering from the I WANTS.
Here are some of my I wants via pinterest...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

mini pancakes on a cold day

Brrrrrr!!! the wind is chilli!!!
So Pancakes were on the menu, two of the cherubs were keen to help, the other one is on the couch miserable with a cold (yep, he's a boy!!)

Thanks to Nigella (who I love and have a little girl crush on because of her amazing descriptive language) I keep some pre-made pancake mix in the pantry. Just add egg and milk and the kids think they are master chef!!

Addie is ready to attempt to be a Masterchef!!

Maxx lends a hand - a vital role - holding the bowl!

"No lumps Mummy"

The miserable one ^^ Sad, Sick Parker has boy flu!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

the peaceful time

Two little Cherubs in bed. The eldest on the couch. A cake on the bench cooling, the coffee machine warming up. My Tax receipts typed up and a little school work done. Ahhhhh

So I headed over to pinterest for a spot of inspiration and day dreaming before tackling my next task, a web gallery for a client.

Saw this and I knew I had to post it, I love the rain!!Blogs I am reading:
Perfect for the school holidays - Be A Fun Mum
A mix of emotions as she shares her journey through infertility - Sunny Side up
Oh Gorgeous Baby
Mummy Smiles

Check them out!! I'm off to enjoy the rest of my silent bliss!!

School Holidays - MONDAY (1)

We survived.
I know it's ridiculous. They are my three children. My three angels who I love and adore... but gee, when I am job swapping (on school holidays) back to full time Mummy... well I struggle. I question my ability... then I stop and realise all they need is my love and I get on with it.
But, today I went to town with all three. I had business errands to run... with all three of them, we had a coffee date with Daddy... with all three of them, I stopped in at work... with all three of them. You get the drift.
Anyway, they're asleep now and these words, found on pinterest made me smile and remember, for the umpteenth time today, all they need is my (our) love!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sunday arvo bake fest

Trying to decide on something to bake. It's raining outside so it's just the right weather for me to turn into Martha Stewart.

I think Choc Chip Biccies are the go but oh my there are so many recipes to choose from:

YUMMM but I can't wait

a combo made in heaven peanut butter and choc (and with the kids on school holidays it's perfect timing)

or any others available on taste spotting

Browsing Pinterest

My favourite online spot these days is definitely PINTEREST. It's like my head on a virtual pin board. ANyway, one little pin caught my eyes and I just thought ... THAT'S ME... that's what I am hoping to achieve with my blog... so I had run over (or open a new tab) and post it

Friday, July 1, 2011

The edge of greatness

It's school holidays - woo hoo!!
Technically, as a mother of three I call this job swap time. As really, how much of a holiday for me is it. But I love being with MY kids... most of the time. These holidays I have quite a bit of school work too. I have a Year 12 class running twice and two rehearsals as we are only 4 weeks from production.
Still to celebrate holidays I am giving a way a free A3 download (1 week only so be quick) It features words to live by these holidays. Words to remind you that when your kids are driving you mad (as mine do) to stop and love them more in that moment!!

My eldest warmed my heart this evening. He tried on some new tracksuit pants. He marveled at how warm they were before proclaiming they're as warm as fire... and.. and Mum's Hugs!!

Enjoy the rest of your Friday evening, I love mine... right on the edge of all this freedom!!!